Brindle Sm

676 Aurora World

$ 13.99 

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Small Brindle the Old Fashioned Teddy Bear by Aurora is a throwback, a tribute to tradition, a timeless teddy bear, a, well, you get the point. This small brindle colored teddy bear hearkens back to days of yore when a good teddy bear was all a kid needed to get through the day. Back when a coke was a coke and cuddling was cuddling. Small Brindle's old fashion design is based around the small, centered facial area. The little black eyes and oval-shaped brown nose are set in a light tan area in the middle of Small Brindle's head in the same manner that teddy bears were produced a long time ago. This tan fur is matched by the fur on the bottoms of Small Brindle's feet. It's a look and style that never gets old! The fittingly named Small Brindle's brindle colored fur is shaggy and textured with multiple tones of gray and brown mingling together to create an unique color pattern. This small old fashioned brindle teddy bear is available in three sizes and two colors. This size is eight inches tall in the sitting position and ten inches head to toe. 

Ages 1 and up